Practice OPEN for in person sessions and also by phone + Skype

Nicola Richter
for over 25 years your psychotherapy & counselling service in
St Albans
call in confidence: (01727) 750088
Practice OPEN for in person sessions and also by phone + Skype
for over 25 years your psychotherapy & counselling service in
St Albans
call in confidence: (01727) 750088
I offer you a friendly, genuine, professional and very experienced & effective service.
My empathic and interactive approach, is tailored to your individual needs to help you to: understand yourself and others more fully, work through pain and patterns, make the changes in your feelings and thinking and behaviour, which you want to make. My approach is holistic (body-mind-spirit).
• You are in safe hands: as I have over 25 years of experience of making a difference to peoples lives
• You can be assured by my credentials: I am a senior BACP accredited counsellor and psychotherapist, registered with UKCP, with a Masters in Psychology
• In addition you get from me up-to-date and in-depth knowledge, as I trained others in counselling and psychotherapy as senior lecturer at University and I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
• Plus: with me you can get to work with a whole-hearted professional: I am immersed in the field, e.g. also through presenting at national and international conferences (Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, UK, USA and online hosted from: China, New Zealand and USA).
Above all: I am human and talk with you in a warm, sensitive, compassionate and natural way. For me you are not a standard 'case', you are a unique person. I am here to help you, to access your own inner potential, to understand your life's lessons, to find your own answers and to experience deep contentment in living the life you know you could live.
Events as they are unfolding throughout the world affect us in different ways:
some of us feel unsettled, worried and anxious for themselves, or for the lives of family and friends with underlying health-issues or in war zones.
Others felt in the years since Covid-19 puzzled about the focus of the world upon this one issue, when during the same time far more people died e.g. sepsis related deaths.
Some people may still feel angry as they lost trust in politicians and main stream media to provide information independent of financial or political interests.
Others may feel a weird sense of calm and relief that something in our world had to change and with that the focus upon material things loosing the grip over them.
Hence: More people might now embark on practicing mindfulness, endeavouring to emerge from these challenging times, with meaningful insights about the lives we live and might have taken at times for granted.
Some feel a sense of increasing care and concern emerging for our planet, for humankind, for loved ones and for more balance within ourselves.
Many more feelings are evoked, including opposing feelings.
Some of us feel a mixture of the above.
Holistic wellbeing is at the core of our being. During pandemics, restrictions on outer freedoms, wars, artificial foods, and uncertain financial times, counselling and psychotherapy can be a source for support, comfort and calm, inner growth promotion and inner freedom.
With this message I would like to reassure you, that during these intense times I remain committed to the work I love, to working with you.
Your well-being and safety are central and at the heart of my decision making.
Keep looking after yourselves
and others,
I am a: Psychologist - Psychotherapist - Counsellor - Lecturer - Supervisor - Consultant - Conference Speaker
• Dipl.-Psych. - MSc - Masters in Psychology (specialised in: Clinical Psychology; Counselling Psychology; and Educational Psychology)
• PGDipHE - Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education
• MBACP (Senior Accredited) - British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
• UKCP Registered - United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy
• Member MBPsS - British Psychological Society
• Fellow FHEA - Higher Education Academy
• Member of WAPCEPC - World Association for Person Centered & Experiential Psychotherapy & Counselling
• Member ADPCA- Association for the Development of the Person-Centered Approach.
I offer my services for holistic psychotherapy and counselling in
St Albans, Hertfordshire - Greater London.
Also offered: clinical supervision for counselling and psychotherapy in St Albans. Research Supervision.
I am trained in humanistic person-centred counselling and psychotherapy (under the late Prof. Dr. Reinhard Tausch, friend and professional colleague of the founder of the approach, Prof. Dr. Carl Rogers).
For over 25 years I have successfully helped individuals and couples.
I am here to assist you in finding your wholesome path in life's challenges. When your inner and outer world might highlight for you certain feelings, including anxiety, anger, confusion, depression, illness, family discord, tension from opposing views, feeling stuck and sadly: bereavement - with my support you can work through this, coming out the other side.
We may discuss your thoughts and feelings how to deal with practical issues; or medical issues including e.g. going through standard cancer treatment,
as well as if you are seeking someone to discuss things with and who accepts you, if you are considering alternative cancer treatments;
we may discuss your emotional and mental health;
as well as spiritual and mindfulness related beliefs and experiences which you might be encountering and wish to explore for greater well-being.
Please call me on: 01727-750088 or
email me on: to arrange for a session to take place
in face-to-face or via Skype.
My practice is open for anyone, vaccinated or not vaccinated. Your personal choices matter here!
If you can't attend the session in person, please make sure that you are in a room where you can not be overheard or disturbed by others. Reason for this: to create an environment of confidentiality for you to feel safe and comfortable to speak with me about anything, much the same way as you do when we meet face-to-face.
A little bit about me: I walk the talk, meaning: I live a healthy life-style. My outlook on life is holistic caring for my body mind and spirit. And I encourage you to do the same.
I am happy to continue our sessions in person or if you prefer also via Skype.
To emulate the in-person experience you may find it helpful not watch the TV or computer in the background. This is not a chit chat, this is your therapeutic session. In turn, I will be sitting in the consulting room on the same place as always.
Should you have booked a couple-/joint-session and you are at different places, we can have a conference Skype call. I have good experiences with others of this option.
If you are unable to find a place to yourself where you can’t be overheard by others, you might consider e.g. a garage, garden-shed, or your car – an option others have taken in the past.
If you can’t think of ways to make it work, call me and we can discuss your options and best way forward.
Throughout my therapeutic work of over 25 years, I have followed common sense guidelines for hygiene, safety, respect and well-being.
Currently I’ve added: one-use plant-based recyclable cups. And if you wish, you can use the mostly natural hand-sanitizer at the entrance and in the consulting room.
Please inform yourself and follow responsible guidelines and common sense - and make informed choices.
It is up to you if you feel safer with a test, or if you find it distressing to be continuously testing without experiencing symptoms. I won't be checking any certificates, or health passes.
Our therapeutic relationship is based on mutual trust. As such I trust you that you take responsibility for yourself - and others - and that if you acutely suffer from any easily transmissible disease, have fleas or head lice, etc, that you won't attend in person but rather on Skype. The same applies to myself.
Again it is up to you, how you feel best. Part of therapy and especially holistic humanistic therapy as I practice it, is that I rely in the sessions on your words, on what you don't say, as well as your facial expressions. Hence I ask you to book a Skype session should you wish to wear a mask or should wish me to wear one.
No. I believe that if we as a society want to improve our well-being and connections with each other, its best to minimise discrimination. Thus I welcome you whatever your health choices are, whatever the colour of your skin, sexual orientation, your background, career, goals, purpose, religion, spirituality, philosophy of life, ...
As always: if you are unable to be available for your booked session, let me know as soon as you can and with a MINIMUM of 72 hours notice – i.e. 3 days - otherwise the full fee is payable.
Please bear in mind if you need to change your appointment due to unforeseen circumstances, I always endeavour – especially in the current global situation - to offer you an alternative for the same week at no additional cost. However please be aware that at times I have no alternative availability.
Thank you, for your understanding.
In the hopefully unlikely event that you are admitted to A&E, I will not charge you for the missed session and we continue the sessions when you are out of hospital.
My best wishes for your speedy recovery.
Look after your overall well-being - physical health, psychological well-being and with a mindful approach to life.
Some people have asked me for advice, what you could do to stay safe. Use your common sense. Consider the guidelines as given by the government, consult your GP, NHS information and your pharmacist as well as alternative places of information. I am not in a position to provide medical advice, as I am not a medically trained professional. I studied some Health Psychology during my Masters in Psychology as it is in my view important to have a holistic attitude to mental health.
Hence here some general comments about measures, which research I have come across over the years, has indicated to be useful for peoples overall well-being. Please note, that none of this is directly aimed at you personally and you should consult your GP, and your overall life-experience, also: none of this is proven to be useful for the coronavirus and is not targeted at this specifically, again, please consult your doctor or pharmacists or the NHS helpline on 111 AND inform yourself also by consulting alternative practitioners and sources.
Research on well-being indicates that diminished physical health can impact our mental well-being and vice versa: feeling mentally unwell can impact our physical health. The immune system is often described as playing a key role. A whole field of research is dedicated to this, called: psychoimmunology. Helping and promoting our immune system can help us physically and psychologically and make us more resilient. I am happy to explore with you your thoughts and ponderings on how you can improve your overall well-being.
My experience especially since 2020 has shown, that it can be useful to be on a ‘news-diet’ – by the way in the UK over 680 different newspapers are sold, many daily or weekly, mostly reporting on doom and gloom and crimes and something negative. There is only one tiny ‘positive news’ newspaper. The human mind has a tendency to focus upon the negative, which causes us stress. Hence its helpful to limit exposure to negative news. During these past years many of my clients found it helpful to embark on old – or new – activities, e.g.: learning a language, dancing, watching comedy, going for walks, helping the elderly, …
Whilst hygiene and mindful distancing have their place, in well-being research I have consulted, what strikes me most is: the interaction of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual/ transpersonal/ metaphysical well-being. Loneliness and lack of social interaction are detrimental to our overall health.
In addition to offering you my services in private practice, I am also registered health care provider in psychotherapy for several MEDICAL HEALTHCARE INSURANCES:
• Aviva
• Cigna
• Exeter Family Friendly
• Helix Health
• Vitality Health (formerly: PruHealth)
• WPA and WPA Protocol
Please make sure you arrange with your insurance the referral details.
Please ask me about other insurances, we might relatively swiftly be able to arrange insurance cover for sessions with me.
63 Doggetts Way, St. Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 2NF, GB
phone: (01727) 750088
Today | Closed |
Phone Enquiries:
Mondays-Fridays between 10am-6pm.
Or leave a message any day and time and I call you back.
Especially during these challenging times of seeing daily negative news around the world, therapeutic resources can help us to connect more deeply to ourselves and each other.
You can find here some words of support and inspiration.
For your protection and to honour the trust of your working relationship, all information you'll give me is treated by me strictly confidential.
All sessions are confidential, including your initial phone or email enquiry.
In the rare event, that a breach of confidentiality would be required for your own safety, due to strong evidence-type grounds, that your or an other persons life is in serous danger, I will always endeavour to obtain your consent first before such a breach.
Should you ever wish that I do release some information to a third party, such release will be discussed beforehand and agreed upon between us in writing, which serves to safeguard against any misunderstandings.
This statement has been made in adherence with the Code of Ethics of the professional bodies I am member of. I am compliant with the UK and EU GDPR data privacy laws.
Copyright of all content and photos © 2025 Nicola Richter, MSc, MBACP (Senior Accredited), UKCP Registered, Fellow HEA - Higher Education Academy - All Rights Reserved.
For permission to publish anything on this site anywhere in any way contact:
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